A Los Angeles to San Francisco service is all but dead as this is written. A new proposal that would not only be cheaper but serve the fastest growing area of the state is receiving serious consisderation. That proposal suggests a train between Redding and Bakersfield serving all major cities along the route. Crossing the mountains into LA is just to expensive. The Valley High Speed Rail proposal would also serve the east bay area.
SteveD Member # 43
Is this just your own opinion,( based on attending HSR meetings)or the conclusion of some study or political faction?
M190 Member # 3009
Hmm, I follow rail news every day and I haven't heard anything of this. A system that ignores LA would be just plain stupid.
SteveD Member # 43
Well, latest news I've seen is schedule of public hearings for the EIR for the whole project, and don't believe L.A. is ignored at all, altho O.C. was questionable for awhile.
CoastStarlight99 Member # 2734
WHAT?! To replace the coast Stalright...Its a late train but I dont think there going to build a high speed rail in Calif.