
Before uploading your photos, you must first agree to all of the following guidelines. Failure to do so may result in your photos being deleted or your rail forum account being removed. Please take some time to review them. Your support of these guidelines is greatly appreciated and will help to make rail forums useful and enjoyable for everyone! Thank you.

    IMGur Photo Sharing: imgur.com

  • You must be a registered member of imgur.com to use photos. You can also use your existing Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter a/c to login at Flickr
  • When you upload a photo, you must own the photo or have the owners permission to post it.
  • Once the photo is uploaded at IMGur, All you to do is copy the given BB code to your post on the RAILforum. Follow the instructions below:

    1. Upload the photo.

    2. Grab the BB code under the click heading that says "BBCode (message boards & forums)"

    3. Now click on the box that shows HTML code which will highlight the code. Now, hit CTRL + C on the keyboard to copy the code in your buffer.

    4. Go to RAILforum thread or post and paste the code by using CTRL + V on your keyboard.

  • That's it. Just submit your post and you should see your photo in the forum thread.

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